Rob Foale
BSc BVetMed, CertSAM, DSAM, DipECVIM-CA, FRCVSRob Foale is one of the clinical partners, an EBVS and RCVS-recognised Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine and a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Having firstly completed a BSc in Physiology and Pharmacology at King’s College, London in 1992, Rob qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 1996 and then spent four years in mixed practice in Hertfordshire and Stirlingshire. He subsequently undertook his residency training at The University of Cambridge, obtaining his RCVS Diploma in 2003 and his ECVIM diploma in 2005. Upon leaving Cambridge, he joined Dick White Referrals where he founded and ran the internal medicine and medical oncology services for 13 years, before progressing to be Clinical Director for a further five years, leading it to become one of the largest small animal referral centres in Europe.
He also taught the undergraduate small animal Endocrinology course at the University of Nottingham for nine years and now holds a part-time chair at this institution. Rob has lectured on all aspects of internal medicine across Europe, the US and in Mexico, he has authored a textbook on cancer care that was published in four languages and he has co-authored more than 30 research papers and abstracts.