CT scanner installation begins at Granta Veterinary Specialists!
Tuesday April 2, 2024
Granta Veterinary Specialists were delighted to receive delivery of their new CT scanner from Philips on Tuesday March 26th.
The machine, a 64-slice “Incisive” model which is a high-speed machine used in human hospitals around the world that can be upgraded to a 128-slice machine for cardiac use should the need arise, will take two weeks to install and commission. Its journey from the Far East to Photon House was sadly delayed by the troubles in the Red Sea, but Philips pulled out all of the stops to deliver it in time to fit in with our opening date. Having a machine of this capability will markedly enhance our diagnostic imaging facilities and will be used by all of the services at Granta Veterinary Specialists, as it is a perfect match for the standard radiographic and ultrasonographic equipment we have and will complement the visiting MRI service we will use nicely.